
Xmas Ex-Demonstration Stock refresh.

We cannot believe that 2024 is drawing to a close. As usual at DNA things never stand still so we are going to do an Xmas Ex-demonstration stock refresh for some current and also discontinued products. Most of these are on the web site already but we thought we would do a bit of an overview here.


If you are looking for an active upgrade then we have 3 pairs of ATC speakers available Ex-demonstration. We have a pair of SCM40A available in Cherry, SCM50ASL in Walnut and 100ASL in Oak. If you have an interest in these then please get in touch.

ATC SCM40A Active Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review | StereoNET United Kingdom

Chord Company

We have a selection of stock and demonstration cables available with great savings.


As the new Cyrus 40 series emerges we have a few XR series components available including the following. CDI-XR, PSU-XR, Power-XR, I9-XR, I7-XR and Stream-XR.

Cyrus Hark III Modular Hifi Rack available from Hifi Gear


We have a couple of Ex-demonstration Esoteric products available including an F-05 integrated amplifier, T-03 streaming transport and also a K-03 XD CD player. These are stunning components in immaculate condition with all original packaging.

Esoteric F-05 Integrated Amplifier (Ex Demonstration)


We have a demonstration pair of Titan 606s in Tineo and also a pre-loved pair of 808s in Oak.

Kudos - DNA Audio


Our Demonstration 300XS amplifier is available to buy with a great saving on RRP.


We have a Pre-loved Lingo 4 available as well as Ex-demonstration Akurate 4200 power amp, Krane Tonearm and a couple of Klimax DS and DSMs.

Naim Audio

We are moving on our demo Nait 50 and 300 series range of components as well as our demonstration Solstice.

Naim Solstice Special Edition Turntable


There have been a few changes in the Neat loudspeaker line up this year and as a result we are moving on some demo stock to make what we have in store current. We have a pair of Ultimatum XLS, Motive SX2, Motive SX1, Petite Classic and also a pair of Orkestra in Oak.


Whilst the range as a whole hasn’t changed a great deal during 2024 P3s and cartridges are where we have seen the most changes. As a result we have a few Planar 3 decks available with both outgoing cartridge options and also the new ones. We still also have stock of the anniversary P3-50 as well as the brand new Planar 3-RS which we think looks stunning. A real not back to the early Rega brushed plinths.

Rega Planar 3 RS Edition Turntable – Doug Brady HiFi


We have some big traditional Tannoys available Ex-demonstration including Canterbury, Kensington and Stirling GR but at the other end of the spectrum we also have a pair of Autograph Mini available. Please get in touch to find out more.

Tannoy Prestige Stirling GR Floorstanding Loudspeakers - pair price - RMS-store.eu - Hi-Fi Home Cinema Audio-Video

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