Naim Audio System Check
Naim Audio have been producing high-quality, hand-made audio equipment for over forty years. Naim customers tend to buy into the brand for the long-term, and evolve their journeys over many pieces of equipment.
This means that you might not have considered your Naim Audio set-up for some time.
If you have a Naim Audio system and are unsure of whether you are getting the most then we would like to come to you to offer our expertise and advice.
As an ex Naim employee and retailer, DNA Audio’s Darren Green knows how much of a Naim system’s potential performance relies on correct, thorough installation and attention to detail. Even the smallest of positional changes, cable or interconnect changes can help.
Whether it is Mu-so, Uniti, 5-Series, Classic or 500 series, your Naim system is a highly-tuned piece of equipment that deserves to get special treatment.
If you live within West or North Yorkshire then get in touch to book your system check. We’ll happily come to you…in fact this is better as we can consider the set-up in total and in situ.
01943 850650