Linn Selekt Edition Streaming amplifier
Linn Selekt Edition
The brand new Linn Selekt Edition has just arrived. This new Streaming platform advances performance and modularity in the Linn range on yet further. The new Linn Selekt Edition replaces the Akurate DSM and old Klimax DSM easily outperforming both of these models.
The new Selekt Edition features the same modularity of the Selekt but now in near Klimax quality casework. The new Selekt edition features a brand new power supply called Utopik. This is available as an upgrade for all existing Linn Selekt customers. The new product can be configured for a variety of performance levels thanks to some new modules being available. It also brings Organik DAC technology to the Selekt platform. This can be as easy as adding the DAC module to your existing Selekt. This is not where it stops. Linn have also developed a dual mono Organik DAC and line output modules. This gives the ultimate performance.