Amplifiers, Ex-demonstration, Power Amplifiers
Naim NAP 250 DR stereo power amplifier.
Naim audio NAP 250 DR 80W per channel stereo power amplifier.
The Naim NAP 250 DR is next to the top power amplifier in the Classic series. The features single ended inputs on an XLR connector. On the front panel it simply has a power switch. This minimalist approach is typical Naim philosophy, spend the money on things that give the best performance at the price point. It is this approach that gives the Naim such a high level of performance.
Inside the NAP 250 DR 2 it is easy to see how the 80W per channel specification doesn’t tell the whole story. The heart of the product is the power supply. Naim use a massive toroidal transformer for low stray magnetic field. The NAP 250 DR transformer has 4 separate windings supplying different stages of the amplifier for maximum performance. Because of this the NAP 250 DR delivers massive dynamic power when the music demands it. No other company makes amplifiers in quite the same way Naim do.
This attention to detail is what gives the Naim amplifier range such a distinctive dynamic sound. It is quite capable of driving most loudspeakers with ease and we recommend you get in touch if you would like to hear any Naim product. This the top model in the Naim power amplifier range. There are three more power amps in the range, the NAP 300 DR, the NAP 200 DR and the NAP 100.
Get in touch with us to hear it for yourself.