Cartridges, Sources
Ortofon 2M Red MM Cartridge
Ortofon 2M Red Moving Magnet Phono cartridge.
The Ortofon 2M red is the entry point into the 2M series of moving magnet phono cartridges. It comes fitted as standard on a wide range of turntables. The 2M series features a removable stylus allowing replacement when it becomes worn. The body is retained and reused. You can replace like for like or move up to a blue or Bronze as they share the same body.
The Ortofon 2M red may be the entry level MM cartridge in the range but it will work well in a range of decks. The character of the cartridge suits a wide range of musical taste,the sound is dynamic and tuneful with excellent ability to pick out finer details within the recording. Please get in touch if you would like to hear it in your system.
If you own a Rega turntable the arm will require a spacer fitting to raise it to the correct height. We will supply and fit the spacer to your deck for you to make sure you get the best performance from your new cartridge.
Stylus lifetime: with proper care we find that up to 1000 hours is possible without degradation of performance. Please read about stylus care on our FAQ.
2M Series styli interchangeability:
The 2M Series’ engines, coils and magnets configurations are not identical: Red and Blue are identical, so are the Bronze and Black and so are the true mono variants 2M Mono and 2M 78. Likewise, 2M series styli are interchangeable within the below combinations:
– 2M Red, 2M Blue and 2M Silver
– 2M Bronze and 2M Black
– 2M Mono and 2M 78
Compatibility with Rega brand TT/TA:
REGA brand cartridges’ height from stylus tip to the top cartridge mounting surface is lower than standard. Therefore you would need spacers to ensure the correct set-up of the Ortofon cartridge. Please read about cartridge set-up and alignment on tonearm on our FAQ.
Adjusting the height of your Rega tonearm is easy with a spacer set. For correct VTA 3.2 – 4 mm spacers should be enough for a 2M cartridge.
Download the 2M series userguide
Download the 2M series brochure
Ortofon 2M red specification
Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec. – 5.5 mV
Channel balance at 1 kHz – 1.5 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz – 22 dB
Channel separation at 15 kHz – 15 dB
Frequency range at – 3dB – 20-22.000 Hz
Frequency response – 20-20.000 Hz + 3 / – 1 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force – 70 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral – 20 µm/mN
Stylus type – Elliptical
Stylus tip radius – r/R 8/18 µm
Tracking force range – 1.6-2.0 g (16-20 mN)
Tracking force, recommended – 1.8 g (18 mN)
Tracking angle – 20°
Internal impedance, DC resistance – 1.3 kOhm
Internal inductance – 700 mH
Recommended load resistance – 47 kOhm
Recommended load capacitance – 150-300 pF
Cartridge colour, body/stylus – Black/Red
2M standard and 2M Verso cartridges weight – 7.2 g
2M PnP MkII cartridge with integrated headshell weight – 20 g
2M PnP MkII cartridge with integrated headshell length – 52 mm