Cartridges, Sources
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze MC Cartridge
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze High end Moving Coil Cartridge
The Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is the third cartridge in the Cadenza Series. If you are a classical music fan the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze really needs to be on your shortlist. Cadenza is the top range of Moving coil cartridges from Ortofon, only the limited edition Ti Windfell and Anna Models sit above them. If you are looking for a high end moving coil cartridge the Cadenza series should be on your list or products to audition. We sell all of the Cadenza range from the red to the black and always have at least two models on permanent demonstration.
Please get in touch if you would like to hear it in your system.
As with most moving coil cartridges the stylus is not replaceable on Cadenza. Instead Ortofon offer a trade in scheme which offers a generous allowance towards you replacement cartridge.
Visit the following web page to find out more. http://www.henleyaudio.co.uk
You can find out more about the other cartridges available from DNA Audio by following this link: https://dnaaudio.co.uk/product_brand/ortofon/